Also honored were Chiefs Tuck Arusa Lix Ea of the Pawnee Nation, Daniel Aspberry christian louboutin the Muscogee Creek Nation, Kangi Duta of the SissetonWahpeton Oyate Nation, and Capt. John Rogers Jr., William Shorey Coodey, and Judge Richard Fields of the Cherokee Nation and William Wirt, a friend of the Cherokee Nation. A small chapel with stained glass windows, situated in the middle of the thousands of centuriesold tombs Christian Louboutin Boots headstones, housed the dozens of observers, which ranged in age from the elderly to preschoolers, who came to witness the rededication, storytelling and music of the Native American men who were buried there, as told by members of their respective tribes. The event, whose purpose was "to find common ground Christian Louboutin Claudia Ankle-Strap Sandals Black ground among the living," was sponsored by the National Congress of American Indians and was hosted by the nonpartisan, nonprofit group Faith Politics Institute, which is known for building bridges between different parties, different religions and different ideologies, according to Dr. Robin Fillmore, director Christian Louboutin Claudia Ankle-Strap Sandals pink programs for the organization. "We saw this event as a way to build bridges between nations to bring together tribal nations and members of Congress to shine a spotlight on the negotiations, on these good feelings that we can have for one another if we can come together in a common and sacred place," Fillmore said.
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